This Amazing Water Tower was Restored for Just £66k!

Image for This Amazing Water Tower was Restored for Just £66k!
(Image credit: Simon Burt)

A semi-derelict, eight-storey Victorian water tower was hardly the obvious choice for Peter Craske, who having recently separated from his partner, was looking for a step out of the rented accommodation he'd found himself in. 

But, for Peter, it was love at first sight — despite the property’s condition. “It had been closed up for a year,” Pete recalls. “The roof had blown off… water was pouring down the stairs, plants were growing out the walls and we had to wear head torches when viewing it, as the windows were all boarded up.”

Alexandra Pratt
Homes Journalist

Alexandra Pratt is a home journalist with over 20 years experience, who has written for a number of self build titles. She has interviewed countless architects and self builders.

She is also a serial renovator and has been overhauling properties for over 15 years, and has built her way up the property ladder by undertaking DIY, living on site and project managing her own renovation and self build projects.