12 ways to keep your self build budget on track

oak frame self build with glazed gable
(Image credit: Welsh Oak Frame)

Whatever the shape, size or style of your dream home, a bespoke self build is likely to represent the biggest shopping trip you’ll ever take. 

Whether you’re working with a shoestring budget or a larger sum, it’s important to be realistic about what’s ultimately achievable with the funds you have, in terms of taking materials, labour, permits and fees all into account.

Rebecca Foster
Rebecca Foster

Is an experienced writer specialising in homes and interiors.

Rebecca Foster

Rebecca began her journalism career writing for a luxury property magazine in Bangkok, before re-locating to London and becoming a features editor for a self build magazine. She is an experienced homes and interiors journalist and has written for many homes titles including Homebuilding & Renovating, Ideal Home and Period Living.

She has expertise on a wealth of topics — from oak frame homes to kitchen extensions. She has a passion for Victorian architecture; her dream is to extend an 1800s house.