Embodied carbon: Why new construction proposals could impact self builders

Wooden frame of a residential house construction photographed from the ground floor looking up through the roof trusses at a blue sky
Embodied carbon could become part of building regulations in the future (Image credit: Getty Images)

Embodied carbon is the amount of carbon emitted during a building’s construction.

The government and construction industry are under increasing pressure to lower these levels in new homes, with the net zero drive meaning cutting carbon emissions from building work is now a priority. 

Paul Testa

Architect Paul is the director of HEM Architects and a specialist in low-energy design. HEM Architects are well-versed in designing sustainable, energy-efficient new builds and extension schemes. He has also just completed an eco retrofit to his family home.

He taught the technology course for the MArch in Architecture at Sheffield University, and is a tutor for the Sustainable Architectural Studies Masters course.