How to treat damp in older houses and keep it away for good

damp walls inside room with wooden floor and green and white walls
Knowing how to treat damp in older homes is key to their survival (Image credit: George Pachantouris/Getty Images)

Once you have identified a damp issue in an older property, knowing how to treat it is essential or you may find yourself dealing with a problem that never quite goes away.

The reason it needs treating quickly and efficiently is the fact that as well as looking unsightly, damp can damage much more than a building’s appearance. It may lead to the deterioration of plaster and masonry, promote timber decay and create unhealthy conditions for occupants. 

Douglas Kent is a chartered building surveyor specialising in building conservation and is  technical and research director at the Society for the Protection of Ancient (SPAB), where he has worked since 2000.

He has held surveying roles in the private and public sectors, including the military. 

Douglas publishes and lectures regularly on building conservation and has contributed to various radio and television programmes. He has also renovated a listed property.

With contributions from