We Need to Talk About Insulate Britain’s Demands for our Homes

Insulate Britain
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Insulate Britain has repeatedly made headlines for blocking roads in recent weeks, protesting the need to improve the quality and energy efficiency of our homes. But while it’s the group’s actions that have drawn vast media attention, it is their message that we need an eco homes revolution that deserves wider recognition and examination. 

The campaigners want insulation to be installed in all social housing in Britain by 2025, and for the government to introduce a retrofit strategy by 2030 to help the UK meet its net zero target. Insulate Britain is not alone in advocating these measures - in fact, several industry groups want a retrofit strategy to be introduced - but as the group calls for a mass insulation of leaky UK homes, is focusing on insulation really the best way to fix our housing stock?

Paul Testa

Architect Paul is the director of HEM Architects and a specialist in low-energy design. HEM Architects are well-versed in designing sustainable, energy-efficient new builds and extension schemes. He has also just completed an eco retrofit to his family home.

He taught the technology course for the MArch in Architecture at Sheffield University, and is a tutor for the Sustainable Architectural Studies Masters course.