Shell Only Contracts: Are They a Good Idea?

Step by step of building a house
(Image credit: Jason Orme)

In the world of residential construction, it is becoming more common for those wanting to self build or extend to engage a contractor to construct the shell of the house to a water and weathertight stage under one contract.

This often-used approach involves handing over the management and risk for a significant portion of the build, and then retain control of the elements with which you feel comfortable and able to manage. 

Bob Branscombe

Bob is one of the UK’s leading Chartered Surveyors and with over 30-years’ experience in both self build and construction. A career spent with several main contractors and major surveying consultancies has helped reinforce his approach that cost-estimating and control are a fundamental tenet of self building. He's previously led seminars at Homebuilding  & Renovating Shows across the country.