How to get more natural light in a room: Top 5 tips

kitchen diner with large roof lantern
(Image credit: Korniche)

The benefits of living in a house with lots of natural light are numerous — gloomy, dark rooms do nothing for your health or happiness levels. By striving to find ways to bring extra natural light into your living spaces, you can expect the following:

  • Better health: Natural light contributes to levels of vitamins D and B, both of which give your immune system a boost and help regulate mood.
  • More energy and productivity: There is plenty of evidence to suggest that there are firm links between getting lots of natural light and overall productivity — perfect for those that work from home.
  • A better body clock: Circadian rhythms are the way our bodies balance their functions, with one of the most well-known being the sleep-wake cycle. Plenty of natural light helps our bodies to naturally know when they are supposed to be alert and when it is time to switch off — basically light exposure during the day signals to our master clock that we need to be awake and active, while as night falls our clock causes melatonin (the sleep hormone) to be produced. 
  • Better mood: Too little natural daylight can cause us to feel low, stressed and anxious, while sunlight makes us feel happier. 
  • It could cut your bills: In a house that is naturally light there is less need to turn on artificial lights, plus by installing windows and doors with brilliant thermal properties you will enjoy less heat loss and more solar gain, reducing your need for heating. The result? You will use less electricity.