Why I wish I'd installed my Kinetico water softener years ago

David Hilton's water softener inside a cupboard with salt stacked up beside it
I installed my water softener inside a cupboard with salt (Image credit: David Hilton)

If you live in an area with hard water, like me, you’ll understand the trials and tribulations that come with it: appliances with a shorter life, stubborn limescale on taps, and those annoying streaks on tiles and glass panels. 

It always hurts when you have to fork out for new appliances or put up with the unsightly appearance of limescale on your shower head or kitchen taps. So, during a recent home renovation I decided to look into what could be done about this common household problem. 

David Hilton

David is a renewables and ventilation installer, with over 35 years experience, and is a long-standing contributor to Homebuilding and Renovating magazine. He is a member of the Gas Safe Register, has a Masters degree in Sustainable Architecture, and is an authority in sustainable building and energy efficiency, with extensive knowledge in building fabrics, heat recovery ventilation, renewables, and also conventional heating systems. He is also a speaker at the Homebuilding & Renovating Show. 

Passionate about healthy, efficient homes, he is director of Heat and Energy Ltd. He works with architects, builders, self builders and renovators, and designs and project manages the installation of ventilation and heating systems to achieve the most energy efficient and cost effective outcome for every home.

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